How to have a healthier morning

Morning Skin Care Routine

Some people say that you shouldn’t wash your face in the morning Others recommend a 12 step morning routine with 20 different products. I always like to keep it thorough but simple. Less is more, is my rule in skin care. Your skin can only absorb so much before it becomes overly saturated.

When you apply too many products onto your skin eventually it won’t matter what else you put on after the 3rd or 4th product as it won’t be able to penetrate the skin.


Start Of Your Morning Routine

During the night your skin’s blood flow increases and collagen will be produced to heal the skin from the inside. I always wake up with a rather oily skin so using a gentle cleansing in the morning is definitely my first step. Let’s get all the ducks in a row and let me show you the best way to go about your skin care routine in the morning.


1.     Make sure to wash your hands before going in to wash your face. Your skin is very sensitive to bacteria and this is also the number one cause of acne break outs. So scrub those hands like you’re prepping for surgery before touching your face.

2.     Use a gentle cleanser to start off your morning routine. Cleaning off the dirt and oils that have accumulated on your skin during the night. A lot of us sweat a little more during the night and this can definitely have an effect on your skin. You don’t want to use a too stripping cleanser as your skin will always go into overdrive to rebuild its moisture barrier. This can result in your skin producing more oils and more break outs, so a gentle cleanser is a must!

3.     Gently dap your skin dry after you’ve washed it. You’ll hear me use the word ‘gentle’ a lot. Your skin, especially on your face. Is very sensitive, so handling it with care and use gentle techniques and product will always do your skin more good than aggressive lotions and potions to dry out any acne or imperfections.

4.     There are many ways to go about your morning routine. Getting to know your skin is crucial to know what your skin needs. Trying out different products and ingredients on your skin is the only way you’ll find out what works best for you. The next step you could do is use a toner or essence to prep your skin for the products to come. A toner or essence will help deliver the key ingredients from any product. This step isn’t crucial and maybe your skin doesn’t need it or like it but its worth checking out how your skin reacts.

5.     This step can be different from person to person but I always love to use a serum after using a toner/essence. I would recommend anything with hyaluronic Acid and/or Niacinamide. There 2 ingredients are really important to look for in your skin care. Hyaluronic Acid is a humectant. It hydrates your skin by puling moisture from outside the skin into it. I always highly recommend to wet your skin slightly right before putting on any product containing hyaluronic acid. By doing this you will help the ingredient use that moisture to pull into your skin. You will have a visibly plumper look and that will simultaneously work as an anti-aging method. When your skin retains moisture better it will fill out those small lines. Niacinamide is one of my favourite ingredients in skin care as it helps to reduces the appearance of large pores. Niacinamide also regulates the oil production in your pores which is crucial for people with acne prone skin.

6.     The next step is crucial and that is moisturizer/ SPF. SPF and the right moisturizer are vital for getting your best skin possible. Protecting your skin from the UV light will be the best anti aging method you can implement into your skin care morning routine. And don’t forget to reapply throughout the day!

7.     Now your skin is ready for  the day unless you’d like to add your make up on top of it. Maybe you have a BB cream that doubles as an SPF but make sure it is at least SPF 30+.


You’re Unique

Every ones skin is different and it might take you a while to find out the right kind of routine and products for your skin. You don’t have to spend a million to look a million. There are a lot of great affordable skin care products out there. Getting to know a bit more about skin care and the right kin of ingredients will really help you pick out your next item. You have to experiment a little to find out what your skin likes, just know that you don’t have to buy the really expensive products to get good skin. Just get to know a bit more about skin care and what ingredients to look for and which ones to stay away from will really help you pick out the best and most affordable products.


We Want The Whole World To Know

Make sure to come back to our website to get all the information about skin care you’ve always wanted to know. We want to create a space where you can come and find out more about how to get your best skin with great products and top shelf facts! We want to help you achieve that gorgeous, glowy, radiant skin by sharing our knowledge and our products with the world.

Iris G

Hi, this is me, Iris G.

I love writing about skin care and spend way too much time in front of the mirror slapping on all sorts of skincare products. That said, I am always leaning towards a ‘less is more’ kind of approach when it comes to skin care. I love working from home and have 2 websites I work on on a daily basis. One website is called where I talk all about Laser Hair Removal & Skin Care of course! My other website is all about how to start your own online business and is called

I love writing and especially about skin care so I have found my little piece of heaven here on BLVDskin.

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